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Tutorial to implement App Center and Fastlane scripts to Android Project

  1. First go to and create an account

  2. Follow sdk setup steps and implement app center to android project

     dependencies {
         def appCenterSdkVersion = '3.2.1'
         implementation "${appCenterSdkVersion}"
         implementation "${appCenterSdkVersion}"
     // Add the line below to Application's onCreate() method
     AppCenter.start(getApplication(), "{Your App Secret}",
                       Analytics.class, Crashes.class);
  3. When we launch the app, we should be able see current user on Analytics tab on the AppCenter console.
  4. We can manage beta test versions via Distribute tab on the AppCenter console. Advantages and disadvantages are listed below:

Now its time to implement fastlane

Refer to this link

  1. Run the commands below to download and setup Fastlane to project

     xcode-select --install
     #Using RubyGems
     sudo gem install fastlane -NV
     #Alternatively using Homebrew
     brew install fastlane
     #Navigate to projects root directory and run
     fastlane init
     #(Optional) Setting up supply - Fetches metadata from play store to upload app
     #supply is a fastlane tool that uploads app metadata, screenshots and binaries to Google Play. You can also select tracks for builds and promote builds to production!
     #Some configurations need to be made on Google Play Console in order to give access to read data to Fastlane
     #After configurations run the code below to check if the configuration is correct
     fastlane run validate_play_store_json_key json_key:/path/to/your/downloaded/file.json
     #Navigate to projects root directory and run
     fastlane supply init
     #Edit ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile in user home directory. (If none of them exist, create one)
     #Add the lines below to the file
     export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
     export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
  2. Fastlane setup is completed now we need to install app_center plugin

    fastlane add_plugin appcenter

  3. Obtain api token from app center and keep it to use later

    Important : api token access type must be ‘Full Access’ in order to upload version to App center

  4. All is ready, now we can run some actions
    Open PROJECT_DIR -> fastlane -> Fastfile

    in the file, write actions between
    platform :android do
    write actions here

    • Define flavor based variables
     before_all do |lane, options|
          if options[:flavor] == "flavorTest"
             ENV["APP_IDENTIFIER"] = "com.example.naci.test"
          elsif options[:flavor] == "flavorProduction"
             ENV["APP_IDENTIFIER"] = "com.example.naci"
    • Define basic action
     desc "Generate Production Release Apk"
     lane :generate_my_apk do
            task: "clean assemble",
            flavor: "Production",
            build_type: "Release"
     #Usage on terminal => fastlane generate_my_apk
    • Define action with options
     desc "Generate Apk"
     lane :generate_apk do |options|
       UI.message("\n\n\n=====================================\n Generate "+ options[:flavor] +" "+ options[:build_type] +" apk \n=====================================")
            task: "clean assemble",
            flavor: options[:flavor],
            build_type: options[:build_type]
     #usage => fastlane generate_apk flavor:"flavorProduction" build_type:"Release"
  5. (Optional) We can add env file to provide variables for fastlane actions
    Create .env file (name doesn’t matter, you write create any file name) under project root directory

    Create parameters inside this file like

    Read file from Fastfile

     #load variables from .env file in the root if it exists
     if File.exist?('../.env')
          open('../.env', 'r').readlines.each do |l|
            kv = l.split('=')
            ENV[kv[0]] = kv[1].chomp
  6. Some important fastlane actions
    • Define generate_apk action
     desc "Generate Apk"
     lane :generate_apk do |options|
         task: "clean assemble",
         flavor: options[:flavor],
         build_type: options[:build_type])

    gradle action may give errors and didn’t run on some cases. You need to download and use JDK 8 inorder to complete
    Reference link

    • Define app center action
     desc "Fetch Version Number"
     lane :fetch_version do
         UI.message("\n\n\n=====================================\n Fetch latest version: \n=====================================")
         version = appcenter_fetch_version_number(
             api_token: ENV["APPCENTER_API_TOKEN"],
             owner_name: "NaCI",
             app_name: "My-Distribution-Test-App"
     #usage => fastlane fetch_version
    • App center distribute action
     desc "App Center Upload"
     lane :app_center_upload do
                 api_token: ENV["APPCENTER_API_TOKEN"],
                 owner_name: "NaCI",
                 owner_type: "user",
                 app_name: "My-Distribution-Test-App",
                 file: "app/flavorProduction/release/app-flavorProduction-release.apk",
                 release_notes: sh("cat ../"),
                 destinations: "Teta%20Testers",
                 destination_type: "group",
                 notify_testers: true
     #usage => fastlane app_center_upload

Thats all. We configured app center and fastlane successfully. Have a nice day :whale2: :fireworks:

Check the link to see all the examples for app center

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