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Important Commands for Android Development


SHA1 of debug keystore

keytool -list -v -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android

Stackoverflow link

Automize app signing

Add adb to path

  1. Locate sdk path from SDK Manager on Android Studio
  2. Open ~/.bash_profile file (create if not exist) (on Catalina OS it is ~/.zprofile)
  3. export PATH=<Path to sdk>/platform-tools/:$PATH
  4. Save and exit
  5. Run the source ~/.bash_profile command to refresh the terminal (or ~/.zprofile)

Kill app on background -like OS does to create some space on RAM-

adb shell ps -A |grep mypackage -> get the package name of my app from running proccesses in emulator adb shell am kill {app_package_name} -> app package name is like :

Git reflog

Git reflog
Git reflog show {branch_name}
Git reset —hard HEAD@{7}


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