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Tests in Android Development

App has 2 test types:

  1. Local unit tests - tests which can run on the JVM.
  2. Instrumented unit tests - tests which require the Android system.

Tests can be seperated to three main branches.

  1. Unit Tests
  2. Integrations Tests
  3. End to End Tests

Our testing strategy should include each of these types.

Unit Tests

Unit Test Scope

Integration Tests

Integration Test Scope

End-to-End Tests

End-to-End Test Scope

General Test Code Percentage

General Test Percentage

Test ViewModel

ViewModel unit test’leri local testler olmalı (Viewmodel sınıfı içinde android dependency’leri barındırmamalı). ViewModel içindeki bir modeli test etmek gerektiğinde view’dan bağımsız bir ViewModel instance‘ı oluştururuz.

val tasksViewModel = TasksViewModel()

Ama burda viewmodelimiz constructor’u içinde application objesine ihtiyaç duyuyor. Local test altında olduğumuz için uygulama ayağa kalkmadan test’ler çalışıyor ve elimizde bir application objesi yok. Bu gibi durumlarda AndroidX test kütüphalerini kullanabiliriz.

build.gradle/app altına aşağıdaki kütüphaneleri ekliyozuz.

testImplementation "androidx.test:core-ktx:$androidXTestCoreVersion"
testImplementation "org.robolectric:robolectric:$robolectricVersion"
testImplementation "androidx.test.ext:junit-ktx:$androidXTestExtKotlinRunnerVersion"

Ardından viewmodel’i oluştururken bir application objesi yaratabiliyoruz.

val tasksViewModel = TasksViewModel(ApplicationProvider.getApplicationContext())

Son olarak da bu hali ile test’in çalışabilmesi için Test sınıfının üstüne @RunWith(AndroidJUnit4::class) annotation’ını eklememiz gerekiyor.

Test LiveData

LiveData testi yapabilmek için ilk olarak InstantTaskExecutorRule() sınıfına ihtiyaç vardır.

build.gradle/app altına aşağıdaki kütüpheyi eklememiz gerekiyor.

testImplementation "androidx.arch.core:core-testing:$archTestingVersion"

Test sınıfında test metodundan ayrı olarak aşağıdaki tanımı yapmak gerekiyor. Bu sayede test metodu çağırılmadan önce livedata test’i için gerekli olan InstantTaskExecutorRule sınıfı oluşturulmuş oluyor.

var instantTestExecutorRule = InstantTaskExecutorRule()

Test Repository Class (Class which have dependencies)

We gonna use test doubles for long running tasks like network requests and database queries

Test Doubles

Name Description
Fake A test double that has a “working” implementation of the class, but it’s implemented in a way that makes it good for tests but unsuitable for production
Mock A test double that tracks which of its methods were called. It then passes or fails a test depending on whether it’s methods were called correctly.
Stub A test double that includes no logic and only returns what you program it to return. A StubTaskRepository could be programmed to return certain combinations of tasks from getTasks for example.
Dummy A test double that is passed around but not used, such as if you just need to provide it as a parameter. If you had a DummyTaskRepository, it would just implement the TaskRepository with no code in any of the methods.
Spy A test double which also keeps tracks of some additional information; for example, if you made a SpyTaskRepository, it might keep track of the number of times the addTask method was called.

Test Coroutines

Repository testleri için coroutine kullanımı gerekiyorsa, bunun için coroutine-test kütüphanesi implemente edilmeli.

app/build.gradle altına eklenmeli

testImplementation "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-test:$coroutinesVersion"

ve metod çağrısı runBlockingTest bloğu altında yapılmalı

fun getTasks_requestsAllTasksFromRemoteDataSource() = runBlockingTest {
    // WHEN tasks are requested from the tasks repository
    val tasks = tasksRepository.getTasks(true) as Result.Success

    // THEN tasks are loaded from the remote data source
    assertThat(, IsEqual(remoteTasks))

ve metodun başına @ExperimentalCoroutinesApi annotation’ı eklenmeli.

Test UI (via Espresso)

Espresso Components

Test example - Check if checkbox’s state turn into checked on click :


For espresso UI testing its best practice to turn off animations (From device’s developer options menu)

Test Asynchronous Code Block

Test Room Database

End-to-end Tests

Disable these three settings:

Animation Settings


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