In JavaScript, there are seven fundamental data types
“ Number (4, 23.42)
“ String
“ Boolean
“ Null
“ Undefined
“ Symbol
“ Object
String Interpolation
var ali = 22
var veli = 'asd'
console.log(`${ali-3} ve ${veli}`)
var myName = 'Arya'; // Eski versiyon (block scoped)
let yourName; // ES6 ile gelmiş. Üstüne aynı değişken tekrar oluşturulamaz. Default değeri ‘undefined’ olur. (function scoped)
// Variables declared with let can be reassigned.
const theirName = ‘Vulululu’; // ES6 ile gelmiş. Yeni değer set edilemez. Constant.
// elements in an array declared with const remain mutable
Değişkenlerin tipini göstermek için kullanılır.
Check if variable type is string (use === for type comparison)
let ali = “CodeIgniter”;
if((typeof ali) === "string") {console.log("yes");}
//fonksiyon ataması yapılmış bir değişkenin tipi ‘function’ olarak dönüyor.
// == ile sorgulama yapılırsa tip kontrolü yapılmıyor (Örnek : if(‘1’==1) true döner)
// === ise tipi de sorgular
Truthy and Falsy
check if a variable exists
let myVariable = ‘I Exist’;
if(myVariable) {
} else {
console.log('The variable does not exist.')
The list of falsy values includes:
* 0
* Empty strings like "" or ''
* null which represent when there is no value at all
* undefined which represent when a declared variable lacks a value
* NaN, or Not a Number
Short-Circuit Evaluation
Koşul kontrolünde debugger en soldan okumaya başlar. En soldaki değer geçerliyse diğerlerine bakmaz. Bundan dolayı aşağıdaki gibi bir kullanım yapılabilir :
var person = {
name: 'Jack',
age: 34
let job = person.job || 'unemployed';
// 'unemployed'
Ternary Operator
let isCorrect = true;
isCorrect ? console.log('Correct!') : console.log('Incorrect!');
let favoritePhrase = 'Love That!';
favoritePhrase === 'Love That!' ? console.log("I love that!") : console.log("I don't love that!");
let groceryItem = 'papaya';
The Switch Keyword
let groceryItem = 'papaya';
switch (groceryItem) {
case 'tomato':
case 'lime':
console.log('Tomatoes and Limes are $1.49');
case 'papaya':
console.log('Papayas are $1.29');
console.log('Invalid item');
//Function creation example
function getReminder(value1, value2 = 5) {
console.log(`Water ${value1} the ${value2} plants.`);
getReminder(‘ali’); getReminder(‘ali’, 3);
// Fonksiyonların parametlerinin default değerleri ‘undefined’ değeridir.
// Return example
function rectangleArea(width, height) {
if (width < 0 || height < 0) {
return 'You need positive integers to calculate area!';
return width * height;
Function Expressions
const functionName = function(parameter) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
Arrow Functions
const functionName = (parameter) => {
//Other writing types
const functionName = () => {};
const functionName = paramOne => {}; // accepts only single parameter
const functionName = (paramOne, paramTwo) => {};
// Two same functions
const sumNumbers = number => number + number; // accepts only single line
const sumNumbers = number => {
const sum = number + number;
return sum;
let shoppingList = [“fruit”, 4, [”salad”, ”beacon”, ”blurred”], true];
//Array’in boyutu dışında kalan elemanlar ‘undefined’ olarak dönerler.
//Add item to last index
shoppingList[shoppingList.length] = “New Item”;
shoppingList.push(“Newer Item”, “Other Item”);
//Add Item Specific Index
//The splice() method changes the contents of an array by removing or replacing existing elements and/or adding new elements in place.
const insertIndex = 1;
const insertItem = ‘Hululu’;
shoppingList.splice(insertIndex, 0, insertItem);
shoppingList.splice(insertIndex, 2, insertItem); // belirtilen index’ten sonraki iki item’ı silip yerine yeni item’ı ekler
//Remove last item
//Remove first item and return removed item
//The unshift() method adds one or more elements to the beginning of an array and returns the new length of the array
console.log(shoppingList.unshift(4, 5));
//The slice() method returns a shallow copy of a portion of an array into a new array object selected from begin to end (end not included)
console.log(shoppingList.slice(1, 3));
//The map() method creates a new array with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the calling array.
const map1 = shoppingList.map(x => x + “ alınacak”);
//All Methods of Arrays
Variable Equalization
// All variables set by reference (pass-by-reference) so when one of the variable from equalisation changes the other one changes too
const famousSayings = ['Fortune favors the brave.', 'A joke is a very serious thing.', 'Where there is love there is life.'];
let listItem = famousSayings;
listItem[2] = 'New Value';
Functions as Data
const myFunc = newFunc = (variable1) => {
// Fonksiyonun orijinal ismi için aşağıdaki çağrı kullanılır
Function Inside Function
const someFunc = aotherFunc => { let i = 'a'; let j = aotherFunc; console.log(i+j); }
const otherFunc = (afunc, param)=> {let d = afunc(param); return d;}
const someOtherFunc = (param)=> param+'b'+'c';
//Başka örnek
const addTwo = num => num + 2;
const checkConsistentOutput = (function1, param1) => {
let firstTry = function1(param1);
let secondTry = function1(param1);
if(firstTry === secondTry) {
return firstTry;
} else {
return 'This function returned inconsistent results';
console.log(checkConsistentOutput(addTwo, 5))
Array Functions
const fruits = ['mango', 'papaya', 'pineapple', 'apple'];
// Separate Function Based usage
function printGrocery(element, index, allArray) {
console.log(element+' - '+index);
// Arrow Function based usage
fruits.forEach((fruit,index) => console.log(fruit+' - '+index));
// map fonksiyonunun foreach fonksiyonundan farkı modifiye edilmiş array’in kopyasını döner
const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const bigNumbers = numbers.map(number => {
return number * 10;
console.log(numbers); // Output: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
console.log(bigNumbers); // Output: [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
// Alternatif kullanım
const divideBigNumbers = (number)=> {
return number/100;
const smallNumbers = bigNumbers.map(divideBigNumbers);
console.log(smallNumbers); // Output: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
console.log(bigNumbers); // Output: [100, 200, 300, 400, 500]
// Dizinin içinden belirli elemanları filtrelemeyi sağlar. map gibi yeni bir kopya array oluşturur.
const randomNumbers = [375, 200, 3.14, 7, 13, 852];
const smallNumbers = randomNumbers.filter(number => (
number < 250
// alternatif yazım
const smallNumbers = randomNumbers.filter(number => {
return number < 250;
console.log(randomNumbers); // output : [ 375, 200, 3.14, 7, 13, 852 ]
console.log(smallNumbers); // output : [ 200, 3.14, 7, 13 ]
let spaceship = {
'Fuel Type' : 'Turbo Fuel',
homePlanet : 'Earth',
color: 'silver',
'Secret Mission' : 'Discover life outside of Earth.'
console.log(spaceship['Fuel Type']);
// Delete property from object
delete spaceship.color;
Objects Functions
let retreatMessage = 'We no longer wish to conquer your planet. It is full of dogs, which we do not care for.';
// To use “this” keyword in object function -> we must use old function definition
let alienShip = {
retreat: function (name=this.name) {
takeOff() {
console.log('Spim... Borp... Glix... Blastoff!');
Loop Through Objects
for(let objField in alienShip) {
console.log(`${objField} - ${alienShip[objField]}`);
Usage of “This” keyword in Objects
const robot = {
model: '1E78V2',
energyLevel: 100,
provideInfo() {
return `I am ${this.model} and my current energy level is ${this.energyLevel}`;
// But we can’t use “this” in object arrow function
//Arrow functions inherently bind, or tie, an already defined this value to the function itself that is NOT the calling object.
const goat = {
dietType: 'herbivore',
diet: () => {
}; // it will not work. “This” value return as “undefined”
Object Privacy
// One common convention is to place an underscore _ before the name of a property to mean that the property should not be altered.
const robot = {
_model: '1E78V2',
_energyLevel: 100,
}; // it is still changeable (mutable)
const robot = {
_model: '1E78V2',
_energyLevel: 100,
get energyLevel() {
if(typeof this._energyLevel === 'number') {
return `My current energy level is ${this._energyLevel}`;
} else {
return 'System malfunction: cannot retrieve energy level'
robot._energyLevel = 'aliveli';
const robot = {
_model: '1E78V2',
_energyLevel: 100,
_numOfSensors: 15,
get numOfSensors(){
if(typeof this._numOfSensors === 'number'){
return this._numOfSensors;
} else {
return 'Sensors are currently down.'
set numOfSensors(num) {
if(typeof num === 'number' && num >= 0) {
} else {
console.log('Pass in a number that is greater than or equal to 0');
robot.numOfSensors = 100;
robot.numOfSensors = 'asd';
//uses to create objects with exact properties, like factories
const robotFactory = (model, mobile) => {
return {
model: model,
mobile: mobile,
beep: function(){
console.log(`${this.model} Beep Boop`);
const tinCan = robotFactory('P-500', true);
Property Value Shorthand
// Create factory with less code
const robotFactory = (model, mobile) => {
return {
model, // here is the trick
beep: function(){
console.log(`${this.model} Beep Boop`);
Destructured Assignment
const robot = {
model: '1E78V2',
energyLevel: 100,
design: {
color: ‘blue’
const {model} = robot; // destructured assignment
const {color} = robot.design;
Object Assign
const newRobot = Object.assign( {laserBlaster: true, voiceRecognition: true}, robot)
console.log(robot); // robot object doesn’t change
console.log(newRobot); // newRobot = robot + new properties
Object Pass By Reference
Let spaceship = {
homePlanet : 'Earth',
color : 'silver'
// We can change object fields by passing object as parameter
let paintIt = obj => {
obj.color = 'glorious gold'
console.log(spaceship.color) // prints ‘glorious gold’
// We can’t change whole object (reassign) by passing object as parameter
let tryReassignment = obj => {
obj = {
identified : false,
'transport type' : 'flying'
console.log(obj); // Prints {'identified': false, 'transport type': 'flying'}
tryReassignment(spaceship); // The attempt at reassignment does not work.
console.log(spaceship); // Still returns {homePlanet : 'Earth', color : 'red'};
class HospitalEmployee {
constructor(name) {
this._name = name;
this._remainingVacationDays = 20;
get name() {
return this._name;
get remainingVacationDays() {
return this._remainingVacationDays;
takeVacationDays(daysOff) {
this._remainingVacationDays -= daysOff;
class Nurse extends HospitalEmployee {
constructor(name, certifications) {
this._certifications = certifications;
const nurseOlynyk = new Nurse('Olynyk', ['Trauma', 'Pediatrics']);
// OUTPUT : Nurse {
_name: 'Olynyk',
_remainingVacationDays: 20,
_certifications: [ 'Trauma', 'Pediatrics' ] }
// We cannot call static methods on an instance.
Özel Gösterim
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
currencyCode === 'TRY' || 'EUR' ?
<Text style={styles.priceTextStyle}>{price}</Text>
<Text style={styles.currencyTextStyle}>{currencyCode}</Text>
</> : currencyCode === 'USD' || 'CHF' &&
<Text style={styles.currencyTextStyle}>{currencyCode}</Text>
<Text style={styles.priceTextStyle}>{price}</Text>