Kotlin Loops
// Simple For Loops
for(i in 'b'..'h') print(i) //bcdefgh
for(i in 1..5) print(i) //12345
for(i in 5 downTo 1) print(i) //54321
for(i in 1..16 step 3) print(i) //147101316
// Continue and Break
outer@ for (n in 2..100) {
for (d in 2 until n) {
if (n % d == 0) continue@outer
println("$n is prime\n")
// Usage of WHEN statement
// We can avoid the next evolution by creating a variable and returning it directly:
fun step2(number: Int):String {
when (number) {
0 -> return "Zero"
1 -> return "One"
2 -> return "Two"
return ""
// And, now, we get to the cool part — we can just return the when !
fun step3(number: Int):String {
return when (number) {
0 -> "Zero"
1 -> "One"
2 -> "Two"
else -> ""
// REPEAT (continue and break keyword are unusable inside repeat function)
repeat(3) { // number of repeat count
val randomDay = Random(4).nextInt()
do {
val fortune = getFortuneCookie(getBirthday())
} while (!fortune.contains("Take it easy"))
- https://www.udacity.com/course/kotlin-bootcamp-for-programmers--ud9011
- https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/control-flow.html
- https://dzone.com/articles/learning-kotlin-return-when
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